Conceived and crafted in-house, these handwoven Kanjivaram silk sarees are exclusive RmKV creations. This selection continues in the tradition of RmKV’s iconic designs – the National Award-winning Hamsa Damayanti saree and the 50,000 colour saree.
The designs of these Kanjivaram sarees draw on a celebrated craft heritage, while adding innovative techniques, stylized motifs and contemporary influences that make these pieces absolutely unique. Carefully woven on the loom by seasoned hands, these Kanjivaram silk sarees aren’t just exquisite examples of skill, but imagination as well.
RmKV Creations with Unique Silk Sarees
Conceived and crafted in-house, these handwoven Kanjivaram silk sarees are exclusive RmKV creations. This selection continues in the tradition of RmKV’s iconic designs – the National Award-winning Hamsa Damayanti saree and the 50,000 colour saree.
The designs of these Kanjivaram sarees draw on a celebrated craft heritage, while adding innovative techniques, stylized motifs and contemporary influences that make these pieces absolutely unique. Carefully woven on the loom by seasoned hands, these Kanjivaram silk sarees aren’t just exquisite examples of skill, but imagination as well.
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